marți, 15 februarie 2011

human nature

1. Relational side of the personality-value

In a broad sense, the character is a way to be an assembly of features that appear psihoindividuale features of a "portrait" global psyche.

Narrow and specific character traits or features meets on topic maintain the relationships with the world and the values that he leads.

The system of personality, character and value is the relational side, is essentially a set of attitudes, values.

While temperament is neutral, gdin terms of content, sociomoral, the significance of the humanities, character is defined mainly by the values that are guiding the subject through which it maintains relations with the world and their own heart.

Superior character formation is a structure which helps human needs, motives, feelings superior moral beliefs, aspirations and ideals, ultimately, the conception of the world and life.

Distinction Between caracer and skills is obvious. While the ability, as a system operating efficiently, invests in activities and are judged by results, character traits consist of reporting how the various sides of reality including its own activity. Maybe There exist therefore a discrepancy between levels of attitudinal meanings (of character) and aptitudninile, as can be held partially or uneven and inconsistent high and consistent growth of both groups.

2. The basic components of nature: attitudes and feature set volitional

Learning the position of character is one of the subject from the others, a way to relate the events of his existence in the world. In the humanities, these reporting methods are based on the subject, he expresses it translate into behaviors, attitudes called.

At the character we care not circumstantial and variable attitudes, but those who are stable and generalized, as its matter, relying on strong convictions.

Define attitude as a way of relating to a general class of objects or phenomena in which the subject is focused and selective and preferential self-regulating.

We observe that features voluntary but attitudes may exceed one category or another, and to manifest themselves in any situation, constantly. In this case, is dominated by one character speaks of will, regardless of its attitudinal orientations. In fact, an old German psychologist, P. Klages, defined the character that will morally organized. Since there is only man among men, should be considered class attitudes towards people. Removal or even contradict the principle that the supreme value of man is a man hostile withdrawal positions.

We can not separated but the attitude of people's attitude toward themselves.

Dignity is the consciousness of self-worth in terms of respect for others injosirii non-acceptance. Sant unacceptable both humility and arrogance. As for modesty, it is required to be cholera with dignity.

An essential role in human life and existence meet him work, work. Professional roles and competencies are met with effort, as many authors, indicators of social value of personality.

Intregrandu All others altitudes last category concerns the society, civic and political responsibilities that everyone has towards the community of destiny that is part of the condition semocratiei and freely. In the socio-historical value is leading patriotism.

3. The attitudes, structures of character

Attitudes and skills associated with them are voluntary cholera, interdependent and even organized in a system at various levels intregrari.

G. Allport Great American character looks like every individual, as showed in the French moralists, 1-2 can discover the character traits that dominate and control others. It is then a group of key features (10-15) that can be easily recognized as her caracterirstice individual and the rest, hundreds and thousands of secondary and background features, which are poorly expressed and that sometimes the subject itself denies them.

Knowing someone means to determine the cardinal traits of character.

Feature - "master" must not break the main features and their subordinates and that it integrates into a single structure.

Attitudes and hierarchy in the system is the main feature of the structure of character.

"The unity of nature is not essentially change in behavior from one stage to another for reasons of circumstances contrary to the principles declared.

"Expressiveness precumpanitoarea character refers to one or several development features that give a specific note of the whole. Expressive characters are clearly defined, easily found and dominated against the situation they are in;

"The originality of the character assumed authenticity in learning and achievement of certain values, their inner consistency, their moral force, their varying stages of development and joining every individual, in other words, the distinctive note of the person in relation to other people.

"The richness of character resulting from the many relationships that it establishes the person's social life, work, etc. with others.

"Constancy is achieved if the attitudes and character traits of character have a moral value of great significance, basing it constant manifestation in behavior.

"Plasticity appears as a character of reorganization of elements of nature in relation to new requirements imposed by the need to service the same principles.

"The strength of character is expressed in resistance actions contrary to the purposes and fundamental influences, beliefs, feelings of moral value, etc.. That person has turned into a fundamental orientation lines and angles. Due to force of character, the man reaches the ultimate of heroism.

All these features, overall, the character once again reveals that this can be defined as a system of stable and specific to individual attitudes, with a social and moral significance, attesting to the man as a member of society, as bearer of values, so as personality.

2 comentarii:

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